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Winter 2015

Travel to Georgia, France, Turkey, Scotland, the Netherlands,
India, Syria, Peru and Singapore

In this Issue...

Ancient civilisations - Gobekli Tepe
Visit this most amazing ancient site - built at the end of the last Ice Age

Weekend in...Tbilisi

Visit the hidden gem of Georgia before the beautiful old town disappears in the name of progress

Monsters and Castles
Explore Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness and the legend of Braveheart with Joshua Mark

New artistic delights of Singapore
Two new galleries have opened in 2015 including the wonderful new National Gallery

Interview with...Jane Fortune
Emmy award winer, philanthropist, author and founder of the Advancing Women Artists Foundation

Hieronymous Bosch celebrates
2016 marks the 500th anniversary of the Dutch medieval painter of fantastical creatures 

Museum Focus: Tucume, Peru
Hilary Bradt champions this museum in the North of Peru

The Heretics of Languedoc
Explore Cathar history in and around beautiful Carcassonne

Ibn Battuta's Delhi

Maree Browne discovers what is left of the 14th century city of Delhi, India

Plus ...the latest update on the situation in Syria by Dr Emma Cunliffe.. Our Intrepid Traveller is Mungo Park, discoverer of Timbuktu, and there are the latest book reviews, art and archaeological news and exhibitions, museum focus and exhibition focus (The lost library of John Dee at the Royal College of  Physicians).  So another packed issue for you to enjoy!  
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