Winter 2018
Travel to Easter Island, the Netherlands, Iran,
Ecuador, Spain and Sicily

In the winter issue you can travel to Easter Island, Spain, Iran, the Netherlands, Sicily and Ecuador

Catriona Bonfigulioli visits Easter Island to find out if the giant statues really can walk...

In the winter issue you can travel to Easter Island, Spain, Iran, the Netherlands, Sicily and Ecuador
In this Issue...
Easter Island Dreaming
Catriona Bonfiglioli visits fulfils a dream to visit this tiny Chilean island to discover its secrets
Curious Cities...
A new regular feature where we give a snap shot of a featured city, written by the Only In Guides. This issue it is Hamburg.
Uncovering Haarlem's History
Polly Allen finds the quiet counterpart to Amsterdam full of culture, period architecture and world-class museums and galleries
Reliving the Spanish Civil War
Adrian Pole takes part in a re-enactment of the Battle of Ebro and discovers Spain's past is very much still present today
A tribute to Jane Fortune
Author, philanthropist, editor and honorary Florentine, Linda Falcone tells of a life well lived
A weekend in...
Neil Hennessy-Vass visits the city of Quito, Ecuador, which sits on the Equator and is surrounded by volcanos
Marvellous Maps
Another new regular feature in partnership with the British Library. This issue, West Indies, 1542
Iranian fire temple
Archaeologist John Tidmarsh visits Takht-i Suleiman, a mysterious fire temple in the Zagros mountains
Arab legacy of Norman Palermo
Andrew and Suzanne Edwards explore the Arab-Norman legacy of Palermo, Sicily